Friday, March 31, 2017

Cartilage Replacement in the Knee

Articular cartilage covers the ends of bones in joints throughout the body. Normal cartilage is smooth allowing easy gliding of the joint. When cartilage is injured, the smooth surface can become rough. Cartilage is unable to heal or replace itself. Occasionally the cartilage injury is severe and there is complete loss of cartilage resulting in exposed bone. Sometimes called OATS or Mosaicplasty osteochondral grafting is a method of treating cartilage injuries that expose underlying bone. Osteochondral grafts
replace both the articular cartilage on the surface and the underlying bone. The tissue can come from other parts (typically knee) of the patient’s body (called osteochondral autograft) or from a tissue donor (osteochondral allograft). These techniques are commonly used in the knee but can be used in other joints.

The injured area of cartilage is identified and a core of the injured cartilage and the underlying bone is removed in a method similar to coring an apple. A replacement core made up of cartilage and bone from another site in the knee (autograft) or a tissue donor knee (allograft) is then made to fit into the hole. The replacement core is gently tapped into place until it lines up with the surrounding tissue. It acts as a pressfit. No screws or other devices are typically needed to hold the replacement core in place since it fits tightly. Frequently it can be performed all arthroscopically.

Patients can usually start to bear weight within 4-6 weeks of surgery. Activity is gradually increased with return to sport typically occurring after 6-9 months.

Patients often recover very well from both of these procedures. One advantage of these techniques is the ability to replace both cartilage and bone with similar tissue. There are limitations to the amount of tissue that can be taken from within a patient’s own knee so larger areas of cartilage loss may not be best for this approach. A potential concern with the use of donor tissue is the very low risk of disease transmission (like a blood transfusion). Although these techniques are new to have data on how well patients recover in the long term, it has been seen that these patients frequently do very well.

Too Busy to Exercise. Here Are Ideas to Try at Work

Can't find time to exercise outside of work. Find hints for squeezing some exercise activities into your daily routine at work HERE

Friday, March 24, 2017

Weight Loss Coaching: The Wave of the Future?

Need some help losing weight, but struggle to find a way to attend any classes or work with a coach. Recent studies show that working with a coach over the phone may be as effective as in person sessions. Read details  HERE

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Beware of These "Health" Foods

Watch out for these perceived health foods. While presented as healthy they may have hidden issues you need to consider before consuming. Read details HERE

Monday, March 20, 2017

Need More Evidence for Interval Training? Here It Is

Read this NY Times article to gain more insight and answer your questions regarding High Intensity Interval Training. Find it HERE

Friday, March 17, 2017

How To Get More Done: Become a Morning Person

Studies have shown that successful people frequently accomplish more by rising earlier. You can write a novel in a year writing in the morning 30 minutes a day. Read hints on how to get a jump start on the day HERE

Thursday, March 16, 2017

10 Relatively Easy Ways to Slash Calories

A few calories here and there may not seem like much, but they add up. Here are 10 ways to lose a few calories at a time and let them accumulate. Read details HERE

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Stressed at Work --Try a Walk Outside

If you are stressed studies have shown that time outside with nature will work wonders.Try a walk in Forest Park over lunch. Read details of the studies HERE

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Find the Foods to Live Longer Here

Some foods will definitely keep you healthier. 10 servings a day of these foods may increase your longevity. Find them HERE

Monday, March 13, 2017

An Effective 7 Minute Workout

Not enough time to exercise some days. This 7 minute workout can help. It can be done anywhere and does not require any special equipment. You can do it in a hotel room on the road. I have found it to be very helpful. Read about it HERE. There is an app you can download and keep on your phone that times the exercises and workout. The Johnson and Johnson 7 minute  workout.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Kevin Durant Tore His MCL. What Does That Mean Medically and for the Warriors?

Kevin Durant tore his MCL and sustained a bone bruise. What does that mean for him and the Golden State Warriors? The MCL or medial collateral ligament is a structure that runs from the femur (thigh bone) to the tibia (leg bone) on the inside of the knee and provides side to side stability with sports and normal life activities. It is the most commonly injured ligament in the knee. Fortunately the injuries typically heal on their own with rest and protection of the damaged ligament. Their are 3 grades of tears. By report he sustained a Grade 2 sprain.As seen below Grade 1 sprains are mild stretches without ligament disruption. A Grade 2 is a partial tearing and a Grade 3 is a complete tear. With a Grade 2 tear it typically is 3-4 weeks for recovery for a basketball player. He will likely return in a brace to help protect the healing ligament and prevent additional injury. He also sustained a bone bruise which may add some time. Read my review of bone bruises HERE. With a little luck he could be back before the playoffs.

How does Daylight Savings Impact Your Health?

Great --Not only did we lose an hour of sleep last night, but it can have bigger health impact. Read this Time magazine article for details HERE

Friday, March 10, 2017

How to Train Yourself to Need Less Sleep

Can you train yourself to need less sleep. While you probably cannot cut your needs in half here is a recipe to slowly decrease your needs. Read details HERE

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Monday, March 6, 2017

What Constitutes "Good" Sleep?

The National Sleep Foundation has published guidelines regarding what is a good night of sleep including how fast you fall asleep and how often you awaken. Read details HERE and if you find yourself outside the normal ranges you should discuss with your physician.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Does When You Eat Matter For Your Health?

Additional studies demonstrating that breakfast remains important for heart health and weight control. Less evidence that frequent small meals are better, but eating earlier in the day is better. Read details HERE

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Is Coffee Bad For You?

More and more research is showing that caffeine intake may be beneficial. It has been shown to be a trait of older adults with lower levels of inflammation which is related to less diabetes and heart disease. For more details read HERE